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SOAR is an annual youth rally located in Augusta, Georgia and hosted by the Central Church of Christ. The event is held at Greenbrier High School on the third weekend in March. Hundreds of teenagers gather for a weekend full of Jesus, friends, and fun. SOAR offers energizing worship and keynote lessons from excellent speakers. It also offers engaging breakout sessions throughout the weekend allowing students to meet new people and really dig into our theme. We also have great entertainment planned each year so that everyone can let loose and have fun while they create new friendships. Every night after all the fun, each group stays in a highly rated local hotel in the Augusta area.
SOAR stands for “Seeking Our Awesome Redeemer” and we strive to do that each year. Our themes consistently aim to seek Jesus in a new way that encourages students to join in a deeper relationship with him. At SOAR you will have a lot of fun, and you will make new friends, but our ultimate goal is to give everyone attending multiple opportunities to encounter Jesus. We hope you join us in March as together we Seek Our Awesome Redeemer.
About: About
Faulkner University Logo

Faulkner University

Faulkner University is a private, Christian liberal arts university based in Montgomery, Alabama, with a mission to provide an education anchored by not only intellect but by also character and service. The Faulkner experience aims to educate the whole person.

Freed-Hardeman University Logo

Freed-Hardeman University

Freed-Hardeman is a private university associated with the Churches of Christ and is located in Henderson, Tennessee. It is primarily undergraduate and residential, enrolling full-time students of traditional college age.

About: Sponsors

I've been blessed to attend SOAR for about 15 years now. When I was in youth ministry, SOAR was hands down, the best event that our youth group attended anywhere within four hours of upstate South Carolina - and many years it was the best PERIOD. In an area where the Church isn't as prevalent as in other parts of the county SOAR has always had some of the best speakers and teachers in the Brotherhood. The Central congregation is able to provide all of this great experience at a fraction of what some of the larger youth events costs, allowing anyone who wants to attend the chance to benefit from this fantastic weekend! If you're looking for a youth rally where teens and adults will be challenged and encouraged by great lessons, engaging classes, and enthusiastic worship then you need to attend SOAR!

Andy (Preacher)

About: Testimonials
About: Text
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